The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) is a non-profit private organization working for the public benefit.
Established in 1887, the Beirut Chamber is the largest and most influential business organization in Lebanon with a membership roaster exceeding 10,000 SMEs and young entrepreneurs.
The Chamber provides a wide array of support services, targeting the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030) namely Decent Work & Economic Growth, Inclusive and Quality Education, Youth Empowerment and Gender Equality.
Within its mission, the Beirut Chamber offers training and capacity-building programs specifically designed to improve the skills and competencies of young employees within Lebanese SMEs and to empower young entrepreneurs and startups, enabling them to expand and contribute significantly to the enhancement of Lebanon's economy.
Since its establishment in 1887, the Chamber of Beirut and Mount Lebanon has been supporting the private sector, defending the interests of the business community and seeking to promote economic growth and prosperity. The successive chairpersons and board members of the chamber have played an essential role in that respect, contributing thus to the growth of the Lebanese economy and its productive sectors. During the last decade, the Chamber witnessed a radical modernization at the level of its infrastructure, administrative organization, and technical development in terms of electronic systems and online services to member companies.
As a result of its distinction in providing services within the highest quality standards, the Chamber has obtained the accreditation of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in issuing certificates of origin and became a member of the International CO Chain.
In the wake of the economic and sanitary crisis and following the explosion of the Port of Beirut, the Chamber implemented several initiatives to support the affected MSMEs by providing financial and in-kind assistance, and led the collaboration between the Economic Organizations and other social partners on recovery plans and related issues.
The Chamber has also been actively supporting and promoting the UN SDGs 2030 within the Lebanese business community, through its various initiatives and development projects in cooperation with local and international organizations, namely the EU, ILO, IFC/WBO.
In this context, the Chamber has been actively involved in social inclusion, women’s empowerment and youth capacity building, through projects and training activities aiming to reduce the skills gap and create job opportunities.
Mohamad Nizar Choucair
The CCIA-BML aims for stimulating the economic activity enabling thus sectorial operators contribute to the development of a strong and competitive national economy.
The CCIA-BML represents the interests of the private economy, contributes to the formulation of economic policies and to the elaboration of legislation that impacts business activity, develops partnership and dialogue between the business sector and the government, and provides a broad array of services to enterprises. Faithful to its role as the prime backer of the interests of the private economy, the Chamber intends to serve as a resource leader for business and the community at large.
History of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
The Beirut Press announced the opening of the “Beirut Oda of Commerce” in a statement published by its president, Najib Bayham, encouraging merchants and industrialists to join the chamber.
During the rule of Sultan Abdel-Hamid II a new Ottoman law was issued: “Chambers of Commerce and Industries”. This law revised the chamber functions, merchants’ functions and the management of the financial income.
Omar Daouk was elected head of the “administrative council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries in Beirut”.
Issue a magazine Specialized in the economic sector of lebanon and the Arab World
Change the chamber Name to : Chamber of commerce and industry of Beirut
Inauguration of the Chamber’s private headquarters in Sanayeh.
The official opening celebration of the new headquarters was held on June 17, 1974 attended by Lebanese President Sleiman Franjieh and Prime Minister Takieddine al-Solh.
Innuaguration of Baakline Branch in Shouf Region
Opening of Sin el-Fil branch.
Innuaguration of Jounieh Branch in Kesserwan Region
The Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon was formed pursuant to Decree 9656 issued on December 28, 1996. The Federation is constituted of the four active chambers in Lebanon: Beirut and Mount-Lebanon, Tripoli and the North, Saida and the South, Zahle and the Bekaa..
Law No. 626, which increased the powers of chambers of Commerce and Industry and incorporated the agricultural sector, was issued. The Chamber board was comprised of members affiliated with Beirut and Mount Lebanon and the activity of the chamber began to incorporate the two together, becoming known thereafter as: “The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon”.
New board, new vision and lean management model: full automation of the internal administration systems and external support services.
Creation of Call Center in Achrafieh location.
President Mohamed Choucair, President of the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry – ASCAME
Official Inauguration of the renovated headquarter of the Chamber by President of Republic General Michel Sleiman.
President Mohamed Choucair , President of the Lebanese Economic Organizations
Opening of Jounieh branch with new premises that encompasses representative offices for traders and industrialists associations of the region.
1912 - Present