TIR is the only global transit system that enables goods to be shipped from a country of origin, through transit countries, to a country of destination in sealed load compartments that are controlled by customs via a multilateral, mutually recognized system. It is the easiest, safest and most reliable way to move goods across multiple international borders, saving time and money for transport operators and customs authorities.
The TIR Carnet is an international customs document that allows speeding up border crossing for goods transiting by road. The initials “TIR” stand for "Transports Internationaux Routiers".
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon is in charge of issuing and guaranteeing TIR Carnets in Lebanon since year 2000.
The International Road Transport Union (IRU) https://www.iru.org/ in Geneva, mandated by the United Nations has been administrating the TIR Convention since 1953, which includes 77 contracting parties around the world (list of TIR countries)
The TIR System is based on the following six pillars:
- Secure vehicles or containers: Goods should be transported in secure vehicles or containers;
- International Chain of Guarantee: Duties and taxes "at risk" during the journey should be covered by an internationally valid guarantee;
- TIR Carnet: Goods should be accompanied by the TIR Carnet taken into charge in the country of departure serving as a control customs document in the countries of departure, transit, and destination.
- Mutual recognition of customs controls: Customs control measures taken in the country of departure are accepted by the countries of transit and destination.
- Controlled access: Access to the TIR system for National Issuing and Guaranteeing Associations is given by the competent National Authorities, and for transport operators, by the National Customs Authorities and the National Association.
- Safe TIR Electronic Termination of TIR operations.
- TIR allows the goods forming the subject of the transaction between private entities to be put into tax-free circulation between two or more countries.
- As customs control measures are taken in the country of departure and are accepted by all countries of transit and destination, there is no need for physical controls at the border; customs must only inspect the TIR seals. This means that more transports can pass through borders every day, cutting the cost and time of transport for traders and in turn reducing prices for millions of end users around the world. TIR has been shown to cut transport times by up to 80% and costs by up to 38%.
- TIR offers the guarantee that, if the goods "disappear" on their territory, they can recover from the chain of guarantee the total amount of the Customs duties up to a maximum of US $ 50,000 per TIR Carnet.
TIR Carnet ‘s fees :
- USD 100 (6 volets)
- USD 150 (14 volets)