Improve the system of matching supply and demand for skills in the short and medium term (over the next 3-5 years), thus strengthening the employability of young people and adults and improving economic competitiveness.
1. Set up at UCD and USJ national structures responsible for prospecting and anticipating labor market needs in terms of skills by July 2013.
2. Ensure methodological and instrumental approaches for the measurement and anticipation of skills needs in the short and medium term (at 5 years) for different contexts and different types of decision for education and training in a training perspective throughout life and for the management of the labor market.
3. Train 50 experts from partner countries in skills monitoring and anticipation methodology.
4. Develop best practices by conducting pilot study projects with more than 400 companies and by developing training guidelines for 10 professions.
5. Disseminate the results with a view to a generalization of methodological approaches of the adequacy between supply and demand for skills and sustainability of actions to promote employability.
Athens University of Business and Economics - Greece
Limburg Institute for Business and Economic Research LIBER/ROA (Maastricht) - Netherlands
Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna): Employment – Qualification – Innovation Research Center - Austria
Chouaib Doukkali University - Morocco
Ibn Tofail University - Morocco
Mohamed Premier University - Morocco
Ministry of Higher Education - Morocco
CGEM: General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises
ANAPEC: National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills - Morocco
Saint Joseph University - Lebanon
Lebanese University
Directorate General of Higher Education - Lebanon
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture - Lebanon
University of Strasbourg: Faculty of Education Sciences (Recipient) - France
University of Koblenz-Landau: Institute of Management and Informatics - Germany
PACOME aims to reduce the gap between supply and demand for skills in the labor market, thus strengthening the employability of young people and adults and indirectly economic competitiveness. This regional project is structured in four phases: