Within the EU co-financed project TECHLOG (Technological Transfer for Logistics Innovation in Mediterranean area) the first Training pilot session on trucks driving simulators was held on February 1st for Lebanese truck drivers working in logistics and transport sector. The session took place in the simulators lab created at the Chamber premises and focused mainly on Integrating Road Safety key learning outcomes within a responsible driving approach for heavy vehicles.
By Marilyne Jallad
Within TECHLOG, the Chamber of Commerce of Beirut and Mount-Lebanon-a key partner in the project, kicked off this first training and awareness initiative. Thus the session focused on theoretical and practical aspects to introduce the challenges and best practices of trucks driving.
The training was animated by trainers, professors and specialists in road safety. Trucks drivers were introduced also to practice on the innovative Simulators, mainly on Resilient and Specific Behavior Evaluation. The IT team at Beirut Chamber activated and supervised all technicalities of the application of simulations by trucks drivers. The training was followed by an internal session among the experts for evaluation and recommendations.
Importance of road safety awareness pending public policy
During the opening session, the program overview and objectives were given by Techlog living lab facilitator, Ramy Semaan. He said: “This simulator will be the opportunity for the trainees to have a kind of feedback about what could be the good way to drive and how to integrate as maximum as they can the condition of the context in the road.” He added: “And it will be also an opportunity for us as teachers to have feedback about what we can improve in the upcoming trainings” He also explained that the aim for the Chamber is to have a kind of activities for year 2023, on monthly basis to optimize the benefits targeting operators of the transport sector.
Then Dr Ramzi Salamé, Secretary of the National Road Safety Council presented a general overview of road safety issues. He spoke about the challenges facing the heavy truck drivers: “In fact, in the absence of standards and criteria for the truck drivers in Lebanon, there is a biggest responsibility on the companies operating trucks to ensure that the drivers have the knowledge, the skills and the attitudes for responsible and safe driving”. He also called the Lebanese authorities to adopt norms and standards for the truck drivers according to the international standards for safe driving. In the meantime, he considered that those who will participate in these sessions training given at the Chamber could become ambassadors of safe driving.
The 5 trainees had also the opportunity to meet with Colonel Eli Hawila from the Central Traffic Authority. He staqted: “We would like you to convince as many of your fellow truck drivers as possible to follow this road safety training session, he also said, that will create more awareness about a subject that concerns everyone’s safety.” A public discussion and preparation for the simulation then took place.